31b mos
31b mos

31b mos

(1) Contact your unit security manager (S2) for a security clearance verification memorandum stating the status of your clearance. If you have applied for and/or already have a security clearance. (5) All efforts should be made to complete the EPSQ (SF 86) prior to reporting to the course. (4) Dates of birth for your family members as well as social security numbers (3) Phone numbers of friends, family, and work (2) Where you lived and dates you moved from place to place (1) Personal information dating back 10 years. You will need to bring the following with you to the course: Security clearance: If you have not already applied for a security clearance you must be able to obtain and maintain a secret security clearance.


Military drivers license (OF 346) with your military driving record (DA Form 348).Bring all orders and any amendments to your orders.However, if you have your own TA-50 it is recommended that you bring it. TA-50 is not required at this course, it will be provided.If you do not meet the body fat standards you will not be enrolled into this course Weight standards: You must be IAW AR 600-9 upon entering this course.You cannot attend the course on a temporary profile that prohibits you from taking a record APFT. Physical Fitness Test is a graduation requirement. Physical fitness: You will be required to pass an Army Physical Fitness Test in accordance with (IAW) your age and gender standards outlined in FM 7-22.Clothing bag items consist of the items you were initially issued when you joined the Army. You can get a copy of this list from your S4. You will be required to bring your clothing bag items with you.Purpose The purpose of this web site is to give you, the future Military Police Soldier, a better understanding of what you will be taught and will learn while attending the course. Stem Village is a realistic Law Enforcement training complex, featuring a variety of building styles such the family housing, the theater, barracks, a snack bar and a mock MP station. * "Rites of Passage" Ceremony This majority of the training takes place in Stem Village. * Preventive maintenance, checks, and services (PMCS) and driving the HMMWV (on and off road) * Advanced Communications and Advanced Map Reading skills Stem Village is a realistic Law Enforcement training complex, featuring a variety of building styles such the family housing, the theater, barracks, a snack bar and a mock MP station.Scope This course is designed to teach you, the individual Soldier, the Critical Skill Level 1 tasks required to become a Military Police Soldier.

31b mos

This majority of the training takes place in Stem Village. These phases of the course are designed to teach you, the individual Soldier, the Skill Level 1 Critical tasks required to become a Military Police Soldier. Phase IV & Phase V - MP Combat Support Operations and MP Law Enforcement Operations - 31B Scope Phase III "Warrior" - Individual Tactical Training: * Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) training Phase II "Gunfighter" - Weapons Training: * Instill the Army’s Values and Command Philosophy into Soldiers’ everyday life * Enforcement of company policy and standards * Emphasis on transition from civilian to Soldier Phase I "Patriot" - Orientation and Soldierization Total Control: Phase V - Military Police Combat Support Field Training Exercise (FTX) Phase IV - Military Police Law and Order (31B) Phase III - Individual Tactical Training Field Training Exercise (FTX) OSUT consists of the following five training phases: Completion of Military Police OSUT training awards a Soldier either the 31B (Military Police) Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Basic (I - III) and AIT (IV & V) Military Police One Station Unit Training (OSUT) is comprised of both Basic Training (BT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT).

31b mos